Saturday, December 8, 2007

Catching up

So Summer and Fall have come and gone, (although I think it is still officially Fall) the snow has begun to fall. I have to admit the snow is very pretty to look at; it also makes it much easier to spot those squirrels and chipmunks when I am standing guard at the window. Denise loves the snow. I would probably like it more too if it didn't get stuck between the spaces in my paws. It is like 'brain freeze' on my feet and legs, burrrrrr!
I do miss the summer time. Denise used to take me hunting everyday, mostly just for small game (squirrels, chipmunks, baby turkeys). I am much quicker than Denise when it comes to hunting. She is always going the other way when I am about to pounce on a chipmunk, ugh, humans! There were a few occasions where we came across some full grown turkeys and some deer. I don't think I could ever catch a turkey, they can fly like those darn pigeons in Brooklyn. For years I tried to catch pigeons, I'd be just close enough and wouldn't you know it they would just fly off. I know I should just give up bird hunting altogether, but alas it's what I like to do. Now the deer, I know if Denise would let me go I would definitely be able to out run a deer. I am not sure what I would do after I caught up with the darn things, they are pretty big. Maybe I would just bite their ankles. I just want to put them in their place, for Mike's sake. He spends so much time all spring, summer and fall taking care of our yard, and those deer eat just about everything he plants. I hate to see Mike so broken hearted over his yard work. Personally, I think he should spend more time taking me hunting rather than working in the yard. I bet he'd let me catch some of those critters. One day, over they summer, Mike had some coworkers helping him regrade the driveway one of those knuckleheads let me out of the house. It was the best day ever! Puchard, just opened up the front door and actually encouraged me to come outside. Mike was not happy, but I sure was. I had like 5 hours of freedom. I went into the woods up onto 301; tried to cause a few accidents, it was great. Oh, the good 'ol days of summer, ah, just a distant memory now. Silly me, I decided to see if the water bowl in my pen was full and Mike locked to gate behind me, he's smarted than I think sometimes.
When fall began, Denise started back at work and our hunting days practically came to an end. We did go out every weekend, it just wasn't the same. I turned 11 back in October. I am still pretty spry and energetic, at least that is what I hear people say about me. Thanksgiving was a great. Mike and Denise invited so many people over to visit with me. It was great to see Pete and Liz, I miss living with them. Patrick was in town, I was hoping he would let me run around in the woods by myself, but it didn't happen. Cathleen was here several times; I could smell that cousin of mine, Wilson, on her clothes. I was hoping she would have brought him over to visit, I love barking at him. I heard Denise saying that Cathleen was expecting another cousin, yes, I can't wait! I hope my new cousin will be bigger than Wilson, so I can play with him/her. Kathryn and Chris came to visit me as well, I think they live at my old apartment in Brooklyn, they smell like they do. I say, that guy Chris can come visit anytime, now, he knows how to walk a dog. He let me take charge, we ran through the trail past the wood shed together, wow, that was fun! We didn't get to do any hunting, but I bet he would be a great hunting companion. Maybe next time...
So now the holiday season is upon us. I am sure we will have more visitors, I can't wait. I wonder who will take me on my next adventure.

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