Saturday, June 9, 2007

It has been a while since I've written. It's hard to get on the internet here in the woods. I have so much to write about, snakes, frogs, cats the list goes on and on...
Maybe I should start with the 4 foot black racer snake. I was out on my lead sunning myself as usual (I know, I know sunblock, ugh, the wrinkles) when a snake came along to join me. I wouldn't have minded but I know how Mike feels about snakes. So I started barking like mad to get his attention. It worked. Mike over, saw the snake then started screaming like a girl for Patrick to come out, then he ran inside. If he had a tail, I am sure it would have been between his legs. Patrick came out to see what all the racket was about. Of course Patrick couldn't just pick the snake up and toss it into the woods. He taunted and teased it picked it up and the darn thing bit him. This is when he decided to put it back in the woods. I watched that snake climb one of the trees right at the end of the driveway, she'll be back.
I have discovered a reason to spend time in my pen. Sometimes when I am back there I can see The Baby in the window. She sits there and meows at me and I bark at her, it's a blast. But like all good times, the grown ups interfere, ugh! Mike really has no patients for me, I don't blame him, I am a real pain in the a**. The Baby does antagonize me, as I do to her:) It's really quite amusing for us. I am a little jealous of her. She gets to go out into the woods, when I have to be tied up or in my pen. (I admit I would run into traffic if they ever do let me free.) Even though the cat can run around and tease me, I did scare the crap out of her the other day. She was teasing me, just sitting where I can't reach her. I was barking away at her but then Denise pulled in the driveway and I got distracted so the cat came closer, silly girl. I turned around and chased her right up a tree! She was so scared, it was hysterical.
The pickerel frogs are delicious this time of year. Denise doesn't like it when I catch them. It was a delightful surprise to find one in the kitchen today. Usually I have to go outside to get a good frog. Apparently while I was outside The Baby was roaming freely about the house when a frog hopped in under the screen door. It probably would have hopped back out but The Baby cornered it and then chased it under the 'fridge. While Denise and Mike were out the little thing hopped out and I caught it! It is currently mushed on the kitchen floor. Denise is too grossed out to touch it. Maybe Mike will pick it up, I' done with it.
Ooo, I just hear Denise talking on the phone, I think I am going to have company today. Yeah! I hear Liz is coming up by train and Patrick is coming by with some of his students. I hope I don't need to bite any of them. Sometimes people need to be put in their place.
Enough for now, I hear Denise coming out of the shower, she gets mad when I am using the internet, blah blah blah.

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