Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Someone's been sleeping at my house

So I spent most of Christmas Day at home. In the morning Mike, Denise and I opened gifts. I don't think they realize that it is not fun for me to open gifts. They put my snacks in a bag and laughed as I tried to get them out, not funny. Patrick emerged from the back of the house in the late morning, he didn't make me work for my treats. I could smell The Baby when he came out of the back of the house. (I know that rotten cat was here over the holidays. Her hair is every where; so is someone elses, I'll get to that later)
When everyone was up and loaded with caffeine, we got in the car and went to the center. It was pretty icy out there but Mike held on to me. I led everyone on a walk through the woods and along Indian Brook Road. I got to wish one of my dog friends a Merry Christmas. We didn't see any chipmunks or deer, not a good hunting day. I was able to leave many dirty little gifts along the way, hee hee hee.
After our walk every left to celebrate Christmas with the family. I got to stay home and contemplate how to get into the back of the house. I still haven't come up with any ideas, no thumbs! One of these days, one of these days...
Christmas night there was more company, Liz and Matthew came to visit me. I've heard a lot about Matthew but this is the first time I met him. He's tall and smells good. He didn't put any of my snacks in a bag, so I like him. I wish he had let me take him for a walk, I would have taken him up the well road, maybe up to 301, hmm, that would have been fun. I hope I can take him for a walk the next time he visits.
Everyone slept late the next day, I was so bored. Then when everyone finally got up, they all left to go ice skating. Don't they know how dangerous ice skating is? They could end up spread eagle flat on their faces, ugh, humans. They all came back safe and sound. They also brought Peter back to visit me. I LOVE Peter, he's one of my favorites. I'd like to go visit him in Brooklyn one of these days.
That evening, we went for a car ride, I love the car! We went to Hillside Lake to visit Mom, Dad and Annmarie. I love it there. (Mom is my all time favorite!) I actually ended up staying there for quite a while. I had my choice of beds to sleep in, I felt like Goldilocks! I had a great time hanging out with Dad. Archie is kind of annoying, all cute and puppy-ish, ick. Still I had a good time.
While I was at Mom and Dad's I wasn't sure what I did to deserve such a wonderful vacation from Cold Spring. But upon my return to my home I soon found out why I was actually banished to Hillside Lake. I knew I would come home to The Baby's hair, I'm used to that. But as I sniffed around I noticed another dog smell! No it wasn't that bratty cousin of mine, I'd recognize his smell from a mile away (PU). No it was a smaller dog, female, mid-westerner I think. Denise hasn't mentioned her but I know she was here and she brought another human with her, no one I've ever met before hmmm but I'll find out soon enough.
Denise took me for a long walk this morning. I could have stayed out longer but it was snowing and Denise was getting all wet, so she cut our walk short.
That's all for now! May you all have a Happy and Healthy 2008!