Monday, May 7, 2007


So, Mike put me out in the pen on Saturday, it was a beautiful day and I was more than happy to go outside. What he didn't realize was that he forgot to latch the gate ha ha ha...OK I didn't realize it right away either. I was getting bored of being out there by myself, so I tried to rattle the gate to see if I could get Mike to come out and play with me. I swear on my life that all I was doing was trying to get a little attention (that is all I ever want:) and wouldn't you know the gate just opened right up for me. (I was free!!!) So I ran up to 301, just to tell all the cars to slow down. Denise is always complaining about how fast they go, I thought I would help her out. (Oh Denise was in Brooklyn on Saturday when all of this happened). I got up there and ran around, no one listened, a few people beeped their horns, the police sounded their sirens (yes, I got the police involved!) Mike did eventually notice I was free (free, free, free, love the way that sounds). He came out and tried to give me a pup-a-roni (they are delicious). Mike also took away my water bowl (he cut off my damn water supply). I tried to get water from the stream but I was too scared, that water is fast and I am afraid to get wet, I might melt. I ran around for a bit longer. But it was getting hot and I was getting thirsty. Mike was also pissed b/c he was suppose to drive to Brooklyn to meet up with Denise. I decided I wanted to come in, but I wanted Mike to work for it, I let him win (don't let him tell you any different). I had the whole house to myself for the afternoon, it was great.
Saturday night company came! I love company. Patrick showed up around 9:30. They kept talking about how he brought the baby with him. I never saw a baby, but something didn't smell right.
On Sunday I spent most of the day enjoying the sun. When Denise and Patrick started moving his things into the back room, they were still talking about 'the baby'. I still haven't seen any baby but I have seen a calico cat walking in and out of the house. She was in my pen, she was on my rocks and under my trees. I kept trying to scare her away but she just sat there and puffed herself up. I think she was trying to look bigger and tougher than me, yeah, nice try. Today, Monday, I was inside and I saw her outside, ha, ha. I got to sit on my red couch all day. She had to stay outside in the sun and run around and chase things and do whatever she wanted, wait a minute...